Discover how to do your bit for the world’s disappearing mangrove forests, as well as support our science-led mangrove restoration projects on the ground.

Choose sustainable seafood

You don’t have to live on a tropical island to stand up for mangroves. Unsustainable fishing is impacting on many of the world’s aquatic habitats, not least mangrove swamps. But as consumers, we all have the power to vote with our wallets. Look for the blue MSC label on fish and seafood products to be sure they’re certified to Marine Stewardship Council standards – a scientific measure of sustainable fishing.

Local people practicing Sustainable Fishing in a Locally Managed Marine Area
Old plastic bottles on a beach

Say no to single-use plastic

Plastic pollution in the oceans is choking many mangrove plants by covering their roots, starving them of oxygen. We can all play a part in reducing the amount of plastic waste that gets thrown away and ultimately ends up in the sea by switch to reusable bottles and containers that are durable enough to last, and disposing of waste responsibly.

If you’d like to go further, take inspiration from our #OneLess campaign to reduce single-use plastic bottles in London, which saved nine million plastic items from being used and discarded. We’ve put together a practical guide for anyone who’s interested in changing the way their community drinks water and tackling ocean pollution at its source.

Champion mangrove ecotourism

Low-impact mangrove tourism can help provide coastal communities with livelihoods and income, and encourage them to restore and protect mangrove plants. On the island of Panay in the Philippines, we’ve helped set up three community-run eco-parks, including Katunggan It Ibajay (Ibajay Mangrove Forest) where visitors can explore the wild wonders of these habitats while benefiting local people.

Unsustainable tourism development, on the other hand, is one of the major threats to mangroves worldwide. If you’re ever travelling in the tropics, try to support mangrove ecotourism projects that genuinely benefit local communities and the environment.

People wading through water to plant mangroves
© J Coching
Mangrove planting in the Phillipines

Support our mangrove planting and restoration work

We’re working with the government and coastal communities in the Philippines to replace and protect lost forests on the island of Panay. Since 2007, our mangrove planting projects have restored and protected more than 900 hectares of habitat, while adding to our scientific knowledge of mangrove restoration and improving local livelihoods and resilience to climate change.

Restoring mangroves is a long-term task, but we’re excited to see these magical coastal forests already coming back to life.  

Stand up for nature

We’d love you to join us on our journey to save mangroves and other vital ecosystems worldwide – why not sign up for regular news updates? And if you feel able to support us with a one-off or regular donation , you can be sure that you’re backing science-led solutions that work for both people and the planet.