Research Fellow
Biodiversity indicators
Capacity building
Reptile conservation
Conservation prioritisation
Contact details

Institute of Zoology
Zoological Society of London
Regent's Park
United Kingdom

Contact links
Google Scholar

Rikki’s work focuses on measuring and halting the erosion of multiple dimensions of biodiversity, particularly species, phylogenetic and trait diversity.

Rikki’s research aims to quantify the current and future impacts of extinction across the Tree of Life, with particular focus on deep branches at risk. These deep branches are represented by Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) species, and Rikki works with ZSL’s EDGE of Existence programme to identify EDGE species to guide conservation action and avert the loss of deep evolutionary lineages. Rikki is part of the EDGE programme’s work to train, support, fund and mentor early-career conservationists from lower and middle income countries to deliver conservation projects on overlooked EDGE species.

Rikki Gumbs_fieldwork

Part of Rikki's research involves developing methods to integrate evolutionary biology and macroecology into conservation science to guide effective practice and policy. In his role as Vice Chair of the IUCN SSC Phylogenetic Diversity Task Force, Rikki has led the development of indicators to track the status of EDGE species and the Tree of Life at the national and global level.

Rikki is has a particular interest in reptile conservation, and his work often focuses on bridging the knowledge gap between reptiles and groups such as birds and mammals. Rikki led the creation of the first list of priority EDGE reptiles, and has supported conservation projects on threatened snakes, lizards, and crocodilians as part of his work with the EDGE of Existence programme. Rikki is also interested in the coexistence of humans and venomous snakes, and how we can reduce snakebite incidence whilst maintaining viable populations of snakes.

Rikki Gumbs
Professional history

2024-present: Research Fellow, Institute of Zoology, ZSL
2020-2024: EDGE Research Scientist, ZSL
2016-2020: PhD, Science and Solutions for a Changing Planet DTP, Imperial College London


Pipins, S., Baillie, J.E.M., Bowmer, A. Pollock, L.J., Owen, N.R.O., Gumbs, R. 2024. Advancing EDGE Zones to identify spatial conservation priorities of tetrapod evolutionary history. Nature Communications, 15, 7672. 

Gumbs, R., Scott, O., Bates, R. et al. 2024. Global conservation status of the jawed vertebrate Tree of Life. Nature Communications, 15, 1101. 

Rosindell, J., Manson, K., Gumbs, R., Pearse, W.D., Steel, M. 2024. Phylogenetic Biodiversity Metrics Should Account for Both Accumulation and Attrition of Evolutionary Heritage, Systematic Biology, 73, 1, 158–182. 

Gumbs, R., Gray, C. L., Hoffmann, M., Molina-Venegas, R., Owen, N. R., Pollock, L. J. 2023. Conserving avian evolutionary history can effectively safeguard future benefits for people. Science Advances, 9, eadh4686.

Gumbs, R., Chaudhary, A., Daru, B. H., Faith, D. P., Forest, F., Gray, C. L., Kowalska, A., Lee, W.-S., Pellens, R., Pipins, S., Pollock, L. J., Rosindell, J., Scherson, R. A., Owen, N. R. 2023. Indicators to monitor the status of the tree of life. Conservation Biology, 37, e14138. 

Gumbs R, Gray CL, Böhm M, Burfield IJ, Couchman OR, Faith DP, Forest F, Hoffmann M, Isaac NJB, Jetz W, Mace GM, Mooers AO, Safi K, Scott O, Steel M, Tucker CM, Pearse WD, Owen NR, Rosindell J. 2023. The EDGE2 protocol: Advancing the prioritisation of Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered species for practical conservation action. PLOS Biology 21(2):e3001991.

McClure, C.J.W., Berkunsky, I., Buechley, E.R., Dunn, L., Johnson, J., McCabe, J., Oppel, S., Rolek, B.W., Sutton, L.J., Gumbs, R. 2023. Conserving the evolutionary history of birds. Conservation Biology, 37, e14141. 

Griffith P, Lang JW, Turvey ST, Gumbs R. 2023. Using functional traits to identify conservation priorities for the world’s crocodylians. Functional Ecology 37(1):112-124.

Murali G, Gumbs R, Meiri S, Roll U. 2021. Global determinants and conservation of evolutionary and geographic rarity in land vertebrates. Science Advances 7(42):eabe5582.

Gumbs R, Gray CL, Bohm M, Hoffmann M, Grenyer R, Jetz W, Meiri S, Roll U, Owen NR, Rosindell J. 2020. Global priorities for conservation of reptilian phylogenetic diversity in the face of human impacts. Nature Communications 11(2616).

Gumbs R, Gray CL, Wearn OR, Owen NR. 2018. Tetrapods on the EDGE: Overcoming data limitations to identify phylogenetic conservation priorities. PLoS ONE 13:1–19.

Tapley B, Michaels CJ, Gumbs R, Böhm M, Luedtke J, Pearce-Kelly P, Rowley JJL. 2018. The disparity between species description and conservation assessment: A case study in taxa with high rates of species discovery. Biological Conservation 220:209–214