PhD Researcher
Spatial ecology
Human wildlife conflict
Marine conservation
Protected and conserved areas
Contact details

Institute of Zoology
Zoological Society of London

Investigating shark distributions to inform conservation strategies and mitigate human-shark conflict in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).

Lucy Clarke fieldwork

Lucy is a PhD student based between The Centre for Ecology and Conservation at Exeter University and Zoological Society of London. Her PhD is funded though The NERC GW4+ and explores the factors that drive shark distributions at Ascension Island at a range of spatial and temporal scales, to provide insight into the dynamic processes that affect marine predator distributions, as well as informing shark conflict management in one of the world’s largest Marine Protected Areas. 

Lucy Clarke fieldwork
Professional history

2023-present: PhD student; Exeter Marine, University of Exeter & Institute of Zoology, ZSL
2022-2023: MSc Conservation and Biodiversity; University of Exeter
2020-2022: Economic Advisor, Green Finance Team, Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
2017-2020: Civil Service Economics Fast Stream, Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
2015-2016: MSc Environmental Technology; Imperial College London
2012-2015: BSc Hons Economics and Philosophy; University of Exeter